
Thursday, January 17, 2013

pointless classes

I am going to school to become an educator in foreign language with a focus on Spanish why in the world do I need to pay over $400/each for astrology, turf management, and history of jazz classes. I get the general purpose is being a well rounded person entering the work force but I think my time and money would be better served working with native speakers and first generation students. I have to pay for and sit through 14+ 'general education' classes like the aforementioned. I understand that sometimes students go into college being undecided or that they take a few biology classes and decide that being a doctor isn't for them but I am not one of those students. I have known what I want to be since I was a little kid helping my siblings with their homework and teaching them mine to help myself understand my work better. All around I think college should be a tool for me to better myself not waste 6 hours of my time a week listening to a teacher lecture about how corn grows when I live in NEBRASKA. I love the college in the broad sense but there is a lot wrong with it. Number one: I hate the two separate campuses. On the up side the college does provide you with a free bus pass for city buses so you can get around. Number two: The way they have financial aid set up is aggravating. They always have students backed up in line asking for help because it is so confusing and expensive but that's another complaint all together. Number three: The parking is far too few and far too expensive. It's almost $500 a academic year to park anywhere near campus or you have to pay a meter and risk getting a ticket if you are a few minutes late.      

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