
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Finally Change

Well tons have changed since I wrote last. Mainly because it has been months. I am dating since the break with the father of my child. I'm proactively working toward my desired weight. I'm putting in at least three writing hours each day. I've dyed my hair back to a darker color and cut in into layers. I've returned to glasses as well. I've been reading Beautiful Creatures  I also watched the newly released movie which was surprisingly good. I've also been broadening my music interests. Now I have been listening to Theory of a Deadman and other music of that genre.
Firstly dating. I never knew I had a type before but now I believe I do. The guy who has been courting me is old fashioned, funny, and a parent also. He lives in the city I go to college in. He has a job that gives him three days off a week. Actually this last weekend we spent it together mostly alone. It was very romantic and intimate. We talked about a wide range of topics until the early hours of the morning every night. I am very happy and hopeful that this relationship will be long lasting.
Because of this new affection I have been feeling more affection toward myself thus wanting to improve upon it. I've been walking and doing zumba at night. I really enjoy making myself look and feel better. Therefore the outward changes to improve upon my own and my boyfriends desire for my body. Along with psychically I want to improve on my financial status as well. I have been putting dozens of hours into job searching and school. Also I have been writing hoping like my father I will be published and be able to better provide for Emma. With writing I've been reading tons more as I find the time so I can see the different styles to see what fits. The music influence is mainly because of the new beau as well. Even though he is from the Lone Star state he doesn't listen to much country himself so I find myself trying to find interest in his music.
I find myself much happier than in my previous relationship. I find myself looking toward the future and being hopeful about it. For now this is all.

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